About Us
The Portland Mashing Maineiacs is a homebrew club in the Portland, Maine area. We are a group of beer and brewing enthusiasts who meet on a monthly basis at one of our members homes to share homebrew and discuss beer and brewing techniques.
The club was founded in South Portland in the Fall of 2007 by Andy Souza and Chuck Warner.
New members are always welcome. Subscribe to our email list below to keep up to date on club meetings and events.
To join our mailing list, e-mail: pmm-subscribe@portlandmashingmaineiacs.com.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: pmm-unsubscribe@portlandmashingmaineiacs.com.
For additional commands, e-mail: pmm-help@portlandmashingmaineiacs.com.
The Mashing Maineiacs CLUB CHARTER
Article 1. The Bylaws. These bylaws are meant to serve as a guide, and are by no means written in stone. This document should be fluid and change as the club changes. The bylaws are not meant to steer the club in any one direction, nor keep it from others. The main goal is to write out what we are doing with club funds and to delegate tasks to make the club run more efficiently.
Article 2. Purpose (Why the heck are we doing this?)
Section 1. Mission. The mission of the Portland Mashing Maineiacs is to promote the craft of homebrewing through education, competition, tasting, and social activities.
Article 3. Membership (How do I get involved?)
Section 1. Active Members. Active members shall be those persons engaged in the legal production and/or use of beer in the home who attend at least one monthly club meeting per year and are current on club dues. Dues and meeting requirements reset every October 1. Dues are optional unless you want to participate in certain club functions like malt orders, practice judging sessions, or committee elections.
All are welcome to attend monthly club meetings regardless of dues or membership status.
If you choose to become an active member, you can pay dues to any committee member in person or make other arrangements by emailing the club’s Meeting/Membership Director at portlandmashingmaineiacs@gmail.com.
List of Active Members & Dues Paid for Current Cycle
Section 2. Revocation of Membership. A person’s membership may be revoked if his or her actions lead to poor representation of the club, which will be dealt by on a case by case basis. Members must remember to enjoy responsibly.
Article 4. Government (those who are taking on bigger duties or were forced to)
Section 1. The Club Committee. The club committee members are the only ones who have “designated power to get sh@! done with your money” and anyone can serve on it who is an active member. The size of the committee should be limited to roughly six members to facilitate an efficient decision-making process.
Section 2. Committee Functions. Although committee members do not have any more power than anyone else, they are the folks willing to invest their time and energy into club activities such as planning meetings, competitions, trips, etc. The number and types of roles can change based on the ebb and flow of participation, but the committee should be comprised of club members willing to put effort into maintaining a vibrant club. Club committee roles include the following: (1) Meeting Director, (2) Membership Director, (3) Treasurer, (4) Sensory Evaluation Educator, (5) Webmaster & Communications Director, (6) Public Relations Coordinator (also responsible for procuring merchandise & equipment), (7) Special Function Coordinator. The committee’s mission includes defining the roles of the various committee positions, amending bylaws, and planning for the growth and governance of the club.
Section 3. Term of Office. The term for each office shall last a minimum of one calendar year. Any temporary vacancy shall be filled by a consensus from the club committee and/or club. Committee members are expected to step down voluntarily when or if they feel they no longer have the time or energy to commit to the club. Periodically, we will hold elections. Committee members will be elected by a majority club vote, utilizing an electronic ballot system. Only dues-paying active members are eligible to vote or run for the committee.
Section 4. Current committee members (as of December 2021): Chuck Warner, Gregg Carine, Brian Farrell, Bret Barker, Keith Barkhau, Geoff Dyhrberg. Committee roles are as follow.
Meeting Director – Chuck Warner
Membership Director – Chuck Warner
Treasurers – Gregg Carine, Chuck Warner
Sensory Evaluation Educators – Gregg Carine
Webmaster and Competition Organizers – Keith Barkhau, Chuck Warner et al.
Public Relations & Equipment Manager – Brian Farrell
Special Activities Coordinators – Gregg Carine, Chuck Warner
Committee Members at Large – Bret Barker, Keith Barkhau, Geoff Dyhrberg
Section 5. Finances. Club funds collected from dues, competitions, etc., shall be deposited in the club account. The club account shall have a minimum of two committee members as legal signatories. Use of funds shall be at the discretion of the club committee and should generally benefit the club as a whole. The committee shall be regularly apprised of the club account balance. Furthermore, the status of finances shall be regularly reported at club meetings. Treasurers: Chuck Warner and Gregg Carine. Should the club dissolve, all assets will be sold and remaining funds divided among active dues-paying members.
Section 6. Decision Process. Club decisions are made by a majority vote of the committee. Vote shall be in person or by proxy at the committee meetings. Any club member can contact a committee member to give their opinion on an issue or suggest a resolution for discussion. Day-to-day decisions shall be made by the committee. Decisions to use club funds require a vote of the active club membership. Club funds should be utilized to the benefit of the entire club membership.