Meeting Notes
November 23, 2013
PMM Steering Committee Meeting Notes 11-12-13
Attendance: Brian Hall, Gregg Carine, Greg Worster, Chuck Warner, Andy Souza, Brian Farrell
A. Club Committee Roles.
Volunteers for the various roles were noted as follows.
1) Meeting director – Chuck Warner
2) Membership directors – Chuck Warner / Greg Worster
3) Treasurers – Gregg Carine / Chuck Warner
4) Sensory evaluation educators – Gregg Carine / Andy Souza
5) Webmaster – Greg Worster
6) Public Relations & Equipment Manager – Brian Farrell
7) Special Activities Coordinator – Brian Hall
8) Seek non-committee members to chair events like brew fests and competitions.
a) Coordinator – Gregg Carine / Andy Souza
b) Competition committee
- Committee members should draft a description of the duties for their role(s).
- Club committee should meet quarterly at a minimum.
B. Ground Hog Day 2014 Homebrew Competition.
Primary purpose of meeting was to start the planning process for upcoming competition. List of action items was created and assigned to various individuals.
November 2, 2013
PMM Steering Committee Meeting Notes 07-15-13
Attendance: Brian Hall, Gregg Carine, Greg Worster, Chuck Warner, Andy Souza
1) Meeting Facilitator and Notes. Facilitator and note taker will be on a volunteer basis based on who can attend the meeting. Greg can take notes whenever present at meetings.
2) Club Governance
a. The goal here is informing active/regular members on how the club is governed and how they can voice their opinion.
b. The goal of establishing club governance is to provide a formal structure while the club is still small and growing that will enable continued growth and smooth operation.
c. Committee members will be elected by a majority, utilizing an electronic ballot system. Only dues paying active members are allowed to vote.
d. Club Committee Roles
i. Meeting director
ii. Membership director
iii. Treasurer – keep same people to minimize transfer
iv. Sensory evaluation education
v. Webmaster/Communications director
vi. Merchandise/Equipment/Advertising person/Public Relations person
vii. Activity/Special Function Coordinator
e. Seek non-committee members to chair events like brew fests and competitions.
i. Coordinator
ii. Competition committee
3) Club committee mission. As the current steering committee we will:
a. Define roles of the committee
b. Amend bylaws to reflect 15-July-2013 discussion, and as required by committee consensus in the future
c. Plan for growth and governance over the next few years
4) How are club decisions made?
a. Majority vote of the committee. Vote will be in person or by proxy at the committee meetings
b. Any club member can contact a committee member to give their opinion or suggest a resolution.
c. Committee vote vs. full club vote
i. Day to day decisions are made by committee.
ii. A decision to use club funds requires club vote (active membership).
5) How is membership defined
a. Active members must pay dues AND must have attended one MONTHLY meeting in the last year, i.e., one monthly meeting per year. Brew days, competitions, etc., DO NOT COUNT! Dues and meeting requirements reset every October 1.
b. NOTE: ANYONE WHO HAS PAID up to Oct 1, 2013 will not need to pay dues again until October 2014. Dues are NOT pro-rated, so if you join the club July 2014, you would pay dues, then have to pay again in Oct 2014 (in which case it may be best just to wait.)
6) General Meeting Formalities (things that should occur at every meeting)
a. Committee updates (review of minutes)
b. new member introduction
c. upcoming events and meetings
d. A pre-determined Brewer of the month will introduce a person and their beers for that month.
7) Elections
a. Club year starts Oct 1. This pertains to dues and elections.
b. Elections shall be held in March, and new committee members shall be sworn in (ha!) at Oktoberfest.
c. Current committee members will perform newly defined roles determined at the next committee meeting until October 2013.
8) Club Malt Orders. Orders will be open to active members. If you received an email for this grain order, you’re in. If you did not, you are welcome to contact another member and have them order some grain for you – or you can wait until the next order when you are an active member. This is non-negotiable, Chuck has already put in a LOT of work on this, let’s not make it any harder.
9) Pro-am. Brew at bunker? If not, may not happen. Did not happen.
10) Club Survey. We want to put together a club survey to find out more about the membership and get their feedback about the club.
11) Aug meeting at Bret’s the last Sunday of the month, August 24, 2013 at 2:00 PM.
12) General listserve vs club announcement listserve
a. Have official list for meetings and club things – Ask Chris Falk or possibly Matt Reba
b. Keep general listserve for discussions, have an “official news only” listserv as well.
June 15, 2013 – Special Note
Club charter posted on “about us” page.
January 27, 2013
Met at Craig Dilger’s house in Portland – great turnout! Thank you to Craig for hosting… and for the Lemonless Lemonade.
Several new members attended the meeting. We went around the room with introductions by all. Everyone signed attendance sheet.
Club Business – Club steering committee discussed implementation of “Active Membership.”
– Active club members are those who regularly participate in club events or significantly contribute their time and energy to the benefit of the club. Annual dues are $20 per calendar year. You can pay any committee member in person or online via WePay at the following link.
– Dues are strictly voluntary, and everyone is welcome to attend all club meetings without feeling obligated to pay dues.
– The benefits of paying dues and active participation include: (1) club malt orders, (2) club brew days, (3) judging seminars held by BJCP certified judges, (4) group trips and private tours of local breweries.
– Committee is in the process of working on a simple set of club bylaws that will elaborate on membership and other facets of the club’s organization. When completed, bylaws will be published on the web site.
December 2, 2012
Met at Gregg Carine’s house in Portland – lots of good beer and conversation. Thanks to Gregg for hosting!
Malt order coming up – signup sheet is posted
February 2013 Club Homebrew Competition. All styles welcome. Enter by Jan 30th.
January meeting will be on the last Sunday of the month, 1/27/13. Craig Dilger volunteered to host. Thank you, Craig!
Discussed attending the National Homebrewers Conference (NHC) in Philadelphia next June 27-29 and having a club booth there. Registration for the conference opens Feb 5th. See Plan to have a club brew day in late winter or early spring to brew a big batch for serving at the NHC. Tentatively, we have four club members planning to travel to Philly. If you are interested, please contact Andy Souza or me. If you are not able or interested in travelling to Philly, we are also looking for club members who would be willing to send a keg of their beer to be served at the conference.
Discussed formation of a club “Steering Committee” to help energize club projects and activities. We currently have six club members on the committee: Andy Souza, Gregg Carine, Chuck Warner, Brian Hall, Greg Worster, and Jacob Davis. If you are interested, let one of the committee members know. You must be the change you wish to see in your homebrew club.
Discussed future club involvement in charitable events such as a fundraising walk to cure cancer or cystic fibrosis. If you are passionate about a cause, please do not hesitate to make a suggestion. This is an opportunity for our club to do good things for our communities.
Question was asked about where to find a list of BJCP sanctioned competetitions.
Brian Hall is brewing a big batch of stout on Saturday, 12/15, 9:00 AM. Send him an email ASAP if you wish to participate.