February 2018 Homebrew Club Meeting
Save the date: Sunday Feb 25. Location TBD.
Save the date: Sunday Feb 25. Location TBD.
he next meeting will be on Sunday, January 21, at 2:00 PM. Meeting location TBD. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Chuck.
Agenda will include a judging / beer scoresheet refresher in preparation for the competition as well as an off-flavor sensory tasting.
Upcoming Events
January 28 – Annual homebrew competition judging
February – Malt order with Blue Ox Malthouse
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13, at 5:30 PM. We will meet at Jager on Wharf St. in Portland.
Upcoming Events
January 21 – Homebrew club meeting, location TBD
January 28 – Annual homebrew competition judging
February – Malt order with Blue Ox Malthouse
The next meeting will be on Sunday, June 25, at 2:00 PM at Bret Barker’s home.
Upcoming Events:
July 30 – Club meeting at Paul Lebel’s home.
August 27 – Club meeting, location TBD (Geoff Dyhrberg?)
September 16 or 23 (TBD) – Annual club Oktoberfest celebration, to be hosted by Keith Barkhau in 2017
The next meeting will be on Sunday, March 26, at 2:00 PM at Gregg Carine’s house.
The December meeting is slated for Wednesday, Dec 14, at 6:00 PM at Foulmouthed Brewing in South Portland. The annual December meeting is mostly for socializing so no technical brewing discussions on the agenda this month. Thanks to Foulmouthed for hosting!
Our annual homebrew competition will be held on January 29. Registration will be opening soon. We will need your help to make it a success! Please contact Andy Souza, Chuck Warner, or Keith Barkhau if you are willing to help as a judge or a steward.
Annual dues are payable now. The club dues year starts in October. Not sure if you paid? Check the club website “About Us” page for a link to the list of active members.
The November meeting is slated for Sunday, Nov 27, at 2:00 PM. Technical discussion will cover another off-flavor from the BJCP kit (DMS). Also, we will plan for our annual homebrew competition tentatively to be held on January 29. We need your help to make it a success!
Reminder – Annual dues are payable now. The club dues year starts in October. Not sure if you paid? Check the club website “About Us” page for a link to the list of active members.
The next meeting will be on Sunday, October 30, at 2:00 PM at Gregg Carine’s home.
– Club business:
— Treasurer’s report, upcoming meetings & events.
— We have entered the new club dues cycle which runs from October to October. To maintain or begin your active membership, please bring your $20 dues to an upcoming meeting.
— Need host for the November meeting on Sunday, 11/27. Please email if you would be willing to host.
– Technical discussion: off-flavor – diacetyl. If you have a homebrew or commercial example that illustrates this off-flavor, please feel free to bring it along.
– Tasting/socializing
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, April 24, at 2:00 PM at the home of Gregg Carine in Portland.
Everyone is welcome at monthly meetings. You need not be an experienced brewer or a dues-paying club member. Come to socialize, taste beer, and talk about beer and brewing. Don’t forget to bring some home brew or commercial beer to share and a glass for sampling. Snacks are always appreciated too.
Upcoming Events:
May 29 – Club Meeting (Host – TBD)
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan 24, at 2:00 PM at the home of Craig Dilger in Portland. Hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events:
Jan 31, 2016 – Annual Ground Hog Day Homebrew Competition. We still could use a few more volunteers to be Judges or Stewards.
Feb 28, 2016 – Homebrew club meeting. Location is TBD.